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Health is very important in our life and happiness is necessary for a healthy body. The healthy body is necessary for a sharp mind. Healthy body and mind are essential for the spiritual and materialistic lifestyle.


One is happy by giving, and one is satisfied by taking. It’s just our thinking for this exchange between giving and take. Happiness can be easily seen on the faces of many folks.


Are you happy? This question has many answers for many folks due to their life’s situation.


What makes one happy can’t make everyone else happy. Maybe, money can make poor folks happy, but it does not mean that all rich people are comfortable in their life or all poor are sad in their life. Being a different gender is better For some folks, but it does not mean people of another gender are happy.


Happiness comes from happy moments in life and those happy moments may not have a long life, but they are priceless and have a significant impact on life. For newborn children, the happy moments in their life are by the first soft touch of their mothers and those priceless moments bring many pricey unforgettable moments to the mothers and children. As soon as, crying babies feel the touch of their mothers, then they stop crying. There is no way to put a price tag at that moment. Happy moments can help to forget about the pain, that’s why crying babies forget about their pain by the hug of their parents.


For parents, the happy moments are when their children speak for the first time in their life or when children touch the ground for the first time.


Why Happy Moments Disappear:


As we grow our expectation also start to grow with the time. The one thing we do not realize is that our higher expectations hurt happiness in life due to greedy desire.

For children due to low expectation, they can be easily made happy by their parents, and those children feel their parents are the best in the universe.


It’s hard for greed and happiness to stay together because happiness is light and greed is dark.


Ego and Happiness can’t stay together, because happiness is spring and ego is fall. 


Due to ego mind, for grown up it’s difficult to appreciate the people or incident which make them happy and as a result, those happy moments disappear soon.


Discovering Fixed Happiness:


In this universe, nothing is so remarkable and absolute pure as transcendental knowledge. Transcendental knowledge is the ultimate product of all mysticism, and one who is attached to the practice of realization services enjoys this knowledge within the self. One lost in the ocean of transcendental knowledge and path does not search happiness elsewhere and enjoys happiness in self.


Secret Power of Happiness:


Remember, a healthy piece by piece meal can build a healthier body, heart, and mind. Similarly, many short happy moments of life will make you a person full of pure spirit.


Happiness can take you to the path of spirituality and success because true happiness always boosts self-confidence and pure desire.

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