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A bird is born to fly limitless in the blue sky, but a bird can’t fly higher if a string is attached to bird’s wings.


A fish is born to swim in Blue Ocean, but a fish can’t swim deeper if a string is attached to fish’s fins.

Either bird or fish can freely move when there is no string attached

  1. What is Blockage-Control? To Realize the roadblocks to the path of the void, nirvana, moksha, self-realization and removing those blocks.

  2. What is the urge to practice Blockage-Control? Those who want to touch the sky; they have to detach themselves from the earthly world to touch the sky because the sky can’t come to the earth. Similarly, the human can achieve higher-self when there is no blockage to the path of realization, consciousness, and higher-self.

  3. How to practice Blockage-Control? This material life is full of blockage opportunity and human life if to forgetfulness the real purpose of human birth and body due to ignorance. In general, there is seven (7) blockage to the path of higher-self as below:

    1. First Blockage: This is - lack of hope in life, no strong desire for healthy living. But, after the detachment of first string one has the passion for living as well as complete trust in life.

    2. Second String: This is the attachment to Jealously, Erotic addiction, Remorseful feelings. But, after detachment of second string one wants to enjoy a healthy and lovely life with natural beauty and loved ones.

    3. Third Blockage: Third is the attachment to low-self-esteem, insecurity, and lack of confidence. But, after detachment of this blockage one’s life take the turn towards the destiny and make awareness for the true purpose in life.

    4. Fourth Blockage: This is an attachment to stone heart, emotionless heart. After detachment of this blockage, one wants to do unconditional love to one’s spouse and accept everyone with open heart and humanity.

    5. Fifth Blockage: Fifth attachment to strong ego personality, the delusion of power and overconfidence. The detachment of this blockage creates empathy and removes the control of the ego mind on a spiritual journey.

    6. Sixth Blockage: Sixth is the attachment to darkness and lack of awareness for higher-self. After detachment of this blockage, one can see the path of higher-self.

    7. Seventh Blockage: This is the attachment to earthly life, greed, selfishness, harshness, and cruelty. The kindness, generosity, unselfishness, empathy is awakening and journey towards higher-self will start, after blockage removal.

The self-realization, higher-self can be accomplished, after removal of all seven (7) blockage attached to the path of soul-realization.

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