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The self-control is the key to ultimate successhappiness, and joy in our life. If you can’t control yourself, then no one can control you.

  1. What is Self-Control? Self-control includes restraint of taste, lust, appetite, and various methods of training the body to withstand cold, heat, and other discomforts without the usual mental agitation.

  2. What is the urge to practice Self-Control? The purpose of self-control is to change in our "temporary" and "bad taste" in preferring transient senses pleasures to the everlasting bliss of the soul. Some form of self-control is necessary to transmute material desires into spiritual aspirations

  3. How to practice Self-Control? Have you ever done your self-control evaluation for yourself? If you had find it a challenge in the past, then ask yourself:

 Can I control my desire to go on the internet or stay away from my phone?


 Can I control my desire for my favorite food or I can do fasting for a long time?


 Can I control my greed for one day and follow the generosity actions that day?


 If you think you can do it any of above, then choose one day to practice self-control and see the big difference next day.

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